Saturday, March 29

Mountain Biking with your Go Pro Hero HD 2

High Definition Mountain Biking Videos

What happens when you take a Go Pro Hero HD 2 video camera along with the handlebar seat post mounting kit, a decent mountain bike and a semi-crazy speed enthusiast? Awesome videos! We already talked about the new features of the Hero HD 2 and to be honest, we had no complaints about the previous model. Some of the new features like the ability to shoot in low light situations usually isn’t necessary for a typical mountain biking trip. The clearer picture is nice though and the external mic jack can be fun if you want to provide some type of play-by-play commentary as you enjoy your ride.

Theory is nice, but how does the Go Pro Hero video actually look?

We could talk all day but as always, the proof is in the video. Please remember all the standard disclaimers, don’t try this at home, some of the activities in these videos are simply not safe, please consult your physician before engaging in any physical activities? I dunno, it sounded good didn’t it? Anyway, check this out this video taken with a Go Pro Hero HD 2 camera mounted on the seat post.

Where to capture your next mountain biking video

Everyone has a favorite local trail but the true adventure comes from exploring the unknown. A great place to start finding new trails to explore (and of course capture on video with your new Go Pro camera) is to go to a site like and search your local area. Maybe you’ll find trails listed nearby that you didn’t know about. Next check out their Top 100 trails and plan your next vacation!